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PragerU entrevista Felipe Moura Brasil sobre vídeo viral


Assista abaixo à breve entrevista que dei a Elisha Krauss, da PragerU, sobre o conteúdo e a repercussão do meu vídeo viral produzido em Los Angeles, cuja versão em inglês atingiu – até este momento – mais de 4 milhões de visualizações somando apenas os posts originais do Facebook (AQUI) e do site (AQUI) da entidade americana criada pelo autor e radialista Dennis Prager.

A versão em português, que passou de meio milhão só no Facebook da Prager, e está incluída no fim deste post, também pode ser vista e compartilhada AQUI.

Durante o nosso bate-papo pelo Skype, caiu brevemente a conexão, mas logo voltou.

Reproduzo em seguida os trechos que li em inglês do editorial do Estadão desta segunda-feira (“O colapso do discurso petista”), confirmando o que afirmei no vídeo viral. (* Veja mais a respeito, em português, no próximo post, “Até pesquisa do PT comprova o que falei no vídeo da PragerU“.)

“The result of this work illustrates how detached from reality is PT’s narrative aimed at the poorest. More than that, it allows one to realize that these voters, unlike what PT ideologues preach, consider the State, and not the ‘bourgeoisie’, as their enemy, value meritocracy, and understand that the ethical crisis of society is not a result of structural defects, but rather individual misbehavior, which must be resolved, first and foremost, by the family.

(…) The study is forced to acknowledge that ‘the main existing confrontation in society is not between the rich and the poor, it is not between capital and labor, it is not between corporations and employees’, and it is, rather, ‘between State and citizens, between society and its rulers’. For the interviewees, ‘all are victims of the State that collects excessive taxes, imposes bureaucratic obstacles, poorly manages economic growth, and ultimately restricts or stifles the activity of enterprises’. Most of them also declared themselves in favor of “a more integrated performance between public authorities and private initiative in favor of the collectivity.

Thus, according to Fundação Perseu Abramo, ‘it opens up space for the popular economic liberalism, with a demand for less State’. The Organization suggests that, if you ever want to prevail at the polls, ‘the democratic-popular field must produce more consistent and less Manichean narratives.’ The final recognition is that PT’S strategy of alienating the ‘elites’ have failed, and it is also proof that a political project that rationalizes the State, encourages private initiative, and awards the best and bravest is electorally viable.”

Felipe Moura Brasil ⎯

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